10th November 2021
Top Tips for the Winter Property Market
Having more than twenty years' experience we’re more than used to seeing how things ebb and flow in our industry. At various times of the year things like holidays, family commitments and even the weather can impact on how and when people choose to move home. So here are some of the top tips we can give you to make the most of the winter months when it comes to selling or buying a property.
Two Markets
The winter property market can really be split into two distinct sections, the period leading up to Christmas and then one that starts again in the New Year. This isn't just because estate agents actually take a week off over the Holiday!
Christmas the market naturally slows down a little. Most people have the
festive period in mind when it comes to their home life and focus on how and
where they’re going to spend it, so some who are thinking of selling may choose
to wait until the New Year to go on the market.
Of course,
most estate agents won't be straight with you and say outright that the
property market slows down around now. However, we are always honest and
transparent and want our clients to know exactly what is going on.
Waiting to put plans in motion, whether buying or selling, is a natural feeling at this time of year, although this doesn't mean things simply come to a halt.
When there are fewer properties available for sale that 'lack of supply' usually leads to higher prices and quicker sales, which can be good news for vendors who want to take advantage of the early winter market.
Buyers can see what a potential new home really looks like in the darker winter months and that can be a very different experience from a viewing that takes place on a warm and sunny summer day. If you fall in love with a property on a cold dreary rainy day then you know you’ve found the right home for you.
The New Year
The first day back at work after the Christmas break is one of the busiest of the year for estate agents. Things really do get moving quickly each year in a similar way to the burst of activity that happened after the first lockdown ended last year.
This is because anyone who has put their plans on hold over the Holiday period wants to get things moving as quickly as possible, which is great news for us as we love to be busy!
However, it can also mean that both buyers and sellers who haven't used the pre-Christmas period to put their plans in order can find themselves at a disadvantage.
If you decide to wait until the New Year to market your property or start your search for a new home you can really benefit by talking to us now.
We can help you put everything in place so that you are ahead of the pack when 2022 starts with a bang.
Registering with us as a buyer now means we will be able to make sure we know exactly what you’re looking for and give you priority when it comes to new properties coming onto the market.
For sellers, everything can be put in place ready to go - a full marketing plan that includes professional photos taken before Christmas decorations go up, floor plans, brochures, online listings and much more take time to put together. Getting everything done now means that we’ll be ready to push the button and go on the market at exactly the right time to suit you and keeping you one step ahead of other potential sellers in your area.
Help is at hand
We are here all through the winter to give you all the help and advice you need to choose the right time to buy or sell property. We can talk over the phone, by email, face to face in our offices, via zoom or in the comfort of your home, whichever is more suitable and convenient for you. Contact us today and let us help you make your move.