1st February 2023
Try A Blind Date Property Viewing!
You only have to go 24 hours without your phone or other internet access to realise how going online plays such a big part in our daily lives. Whether you want to find a new home or a new romance it's likely that you'll be using an app or website to help in your search.
While we were thinking about Valentine's Day we realised that online dating and modern property marketing actually have a lot in common - both involve finding the best match for two parties by offering carefully chosen photos and selectively written words!
With more than twenty years of experience in helping people move home our director David Maslen has seen massive changes in the way the property sector works first hand. When he started out most people found a property they liked the look of from an estate agent's window or an ad in the local paper.
Today of course things couldn't be more different. However, whether it's hoping for a hot date or arranging a property viewing, the trouble is that you can spend quite a lot of time looking for 'the one' only to find that when you finally meet 'in real life' things aren't quite what you expected...
A 'blind date' recommendation from a friend who realises
that two people are made for each other is a tried and tested way of finding
true love, and when we realised that as estate agents we are really a
matchmaker for properties, we thought of offering blind date viewing!
The idea is simple - when you register with us you give as much detail as you can about the dream home you're looking for, then our job is to find a match. We’re so confident in our team's ability to match a buyer to their new ideal home that we think it's a great Valentine's twist to do a 'blind viewing'.
So get in touch, register and tell us what you're looking for and if there's a suitable property we'll arrange a viewing without you having seen any details of the property beforehand. It's a bit like the best TV home buying property shows but in real life!
It's a fun idea that might help you find your dream home, so email or call one of our three branches to register before Feb 14th and we'll get the ball rolling!
Fiveways 01273 566 777 [email protected]
Lewes Road 01273 677 001 [email protected]
Woodingdean 01273 27 88 66 [email protected]